IN   THE  FAMILY

Brassband Society
Richard Fricsay jun.
 1888 - 1960

Livia Dobay
 1912 - 2002

Rita Schuler
 1933 - 2006
Andras Fricsay
 born 1942
Ferenc von Szita
 born 1969


Important to Richard Fricsay were  the variuos tasks but also the appreciation. Repeatedly he was honered by getting a medal of merit. Full of pride he wore these awards pinned on his uniform at public occasions. He was not only regarded as "the great charmer with women laying in front of his feet" but also had the reputation of "the most decorated Honved music conductor" of his time ".

1904 at the autumn manoeuvre he gave a concert  with the Municipal Orchestra of Wsetin in Bistriz in front of emperor Franz Josef I.  Very impressed by the performance the monarch honoured Richard Fricsay with a splendid brilliant needle. This award had an enormous importance in the eyes of the conductor  and so he changed the pin into a ring.  Thereby he achieved the possibility to wear the medal permanently, independent of opportunity and uniform.  

Die Brilliantnadel mit der Initialien des Monarchen Franz Josef 1. in der heutigen Fassung als Ring

His son Ferenc altered the setting into a needle again.

Full of gratitude and pride to his father, he pinned the needle on his bow tie of the dress shirt when he got dressed for a concert.

During his whole life there existed no musical per-formance without wearing it.

Many compositions were made by Richard sen. He wrote various marches for the army and fire brigades, also fantasies about the short songs. His famous marches with  folk songs variations remained decades as  most popular marches played by company bands as well as youth bands. In 1910 he got the order to compose the celebration march for the 50th anniversary of the infantry regiment, resulting in the "Alba Regia march".  This became the defiling march of the k.u.k. Infantry Regiment no. 69 during the First World War.

Sample of  "Alba Regia march "
composer Richard Fricsay sen.,
conducted by son Ferenc
(ca 1938)

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