Events to remember and honour the 100th birthday 2014
July 2014
appeared the box contenting 45 compact discs with the complete orchestral repertoire of Ferenc Fricsay, recorded
by the DGG

Table of contents


Budapest July 2014
July 30th on the occasion of Ferenc Fricsays hundreds anniversary a commemorative tablet was installed at his former residence at the Julia utca 4, Budapest, second district. At this occasion the National Philharmonic Orchestra performed to honor him.
report in the newspaper on July 31st
Martonvásár August 2014
On August 2nd in the park of the MTA Agricultural Research Institute, Martonvásár (Hungary) the Ferenc Fricsay 100th anniversary memorial concert was given by the the National Philharmonic Orchestra.
Beethoven: Coriolan - overture, op. 62
Beethoven: Piano Concerto in C minor, op. 37
Beethoven: Symphony No.3 in E flat Major, op.55 (The Eroica)
Conductor: Zsolt Hamar Featuring: József Balog (piano)

Japan 2014
Takeo Noguchi (director of the Furtwängler Institute / Tokyo) has translated as appreciation of the conductor Fricsay and his expressiveness the publication of Fricsay about "Mozart and Bartók" into japanese in commemoration of the 100th birthday.
Due to his translation and collected articles T. Naguchi wanted to bring closer to his compatriots the late conductor Fricsay, - by its knowledge and explanation of both composers.
Excerpt of the Preface
Szeged 2014

Cathedral of Szeged
(laying of foundation stone in 1914)
22nd of June Musical circuit in memory of Ferenc Fricsay
During the day the brass-band "Ferenc Fricsay" and the "Concert brass-band of the Music Departement of the Scientific University" gave a concert at the Dugonics square
The Szegeder Symphony Orchestra hasgiven an open air concert in the evening, conducted by Sándor Gyüdi and Sándor Balogh. The "Rondo" composed by Fricsay was part of the program.
24th of July Inauguration of the Fricsay commemorating exibition at the Somogyi Károly library of the city.
9th of Aug. at the commemorative tablet in Szeged was the placing of wreath of honour. Concert in the Fricsay-hall of the Academy of the Science University and an honoring evidence near his bust.
23rd of Oct.To memorize the National Day of the Revolt 1956 the Fricsay-Brass-Band participated at the celebrations.
At the traditional, solemn concert in the Cathedral of Szeged the first night performance in Hungary of Fricsay's "C-Dur Mess" has taken place, conducted by Sándor Gyüdi.
24th of Oct. In the city hall a film performance and commemorating lectures was given by Prof. Miklós Gábor, Prof. Robert Christian Bachmann and Sándor Gyüdi.
At the National Theater of the city a commemo rating concert by the urban Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sándor Gyüdi
Lateron the commenmoration exibition was transfered from the Somogyi Károly Library to the National Theater and could be visited during several weeks.
2014 Budapest
"Minifestival Fricsay100"
26th of Oct. at the Basilika of St. Stephen
F. Fricsay's "C-minor messe" /
first performance in Budapest
27th of Oct. at the Erkel-Theater
"Lucia di Lammermoor" of Donizetti;
Ks. Edita Gruberova as Lucia
28th of Oct.
at the"Red Hall"
of the State Opera / Budapest
"Secret attainments", Fricsay-Exibition organised by M. Karczag
29th of Oct. at the State Opera
"Székely Bertalan- Hall"
"Commemorating book of Fricsay's 100th anniversary", published and presented by Szilvester Okovács, MD of the State Opera /Budapest
30th Oct. at the main staircase of the State Opera "Unveiling and consecration of the Fricsay - Bronce", donation of his daughter Márta Dobay-Fricsay

Hungarian State Opera
(inaugurated September 27th 1884)


Berliner Philharmonie
(Inauguration 1963)
2014 Berlin
Concert to commemorat
Fricsay´s 100th birthday
at the Philharmonie of Berlin
Concert of the DSO,
conducted by MD Tugan Sokhiev
Dukas: Der Zauberlehrling
Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante Es-Dur für Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott
Stravinsky: "Petrushka" (1947) |
